About MyLifeForce
MY LIFE FORCE is a private enterprise. It is committed to improving health and well being of clients through gentle, energy healing practices using the most advanced quantum biofeedback technologies and “Tesla Metamorphosis” energy healing modality introduced by renowned physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla.
Professional associations and membership
- Canadian Association for Integrative and Energy Therapies (CAIET).
- Quantum Biofeedback Advocacy Association (QBAA).
- Board of Advanced Natural Health Sciences (BANHS).
Jasna has a B.Sc in Psychology and has studied psychology and psychotherapy at both the University of Belgrade and the University of Toronto. She has broadened her expertise in psychotherapy by specialising in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and in Transcendental Analysis and she is a certified Silva Method and Dynamind Practitioner.
MY LIFE FORCE’s founder, Jasna Krunic, is a passionate proponent for natural holistic health care. She has fostered her expertise and wide breadth of knowledge through lifelong collaboration and studies, which complement 20 years of experience working with and coaching individuals, to help them reach their optimal level of well-being.
That provided the spark for her return to what she now sees as her true calling: the use of healing energies to help people achieve healthy, balanced lives and lifestyles. Jasna undertook study and intense training through The Board of Advanced Natural Health Science (BANHS) to obtain her certification as a professional Biofeedback Practitioner to complement her degree and many other professional certifications. At the same time she graduated as Tesla Metamorphosis Practitioner for healing and for realignment of humans’ electromagnetic patterns into an optimal configuration. She is also Master of traditional Japanese energy healing modality Reiki.
Jasna’s success with My Life Force not only comes from her inner drive to help people but also derives from an understanding of the stresses in the corporate world. She was a manager and executive in the insurance industry where she spent 16 years. Her observations and insights, garnered through this experience with corporate stresses ranged from good to bad … from her leadership of teams in program renewal, to her experiences with layoffs, office politics and the bottom line … have all contributed to her capabilities to understand and help individuals under stress, help themselves. Adding to Jasna’s education, corporate experiences and successes, was her introduction to a new integrative energy science called The Quantum Biofeedback and energy healing modality known as Tesla Metamorphosis.
* Nikola Tesla was a renowned physicist and inventor at the beginning of the 20th century who sold many of his electric and electromagnetic patents to George Westinghouse.
Jasna’s diversified background provides her with a unique skill set, to help clients understand and reduce the stresses on their minds and bodies, and fosters her proven ability to coach people toward establishing improvements in their quality of life.
Attractive payment options
Special Offering
Free of charge, lifestyle coaching, complements every session, as a bonus to our clientele.
Current Discounts
You have the option to receive the benefits of our services in the comfort of your own home, even on weekends. Please contact us to arrange.*
This website is intended to educate potential clients. It is not intended to diagnose or treat medical condition. Consult a doctor for your medical concerns. Consult physicians prior to stopping medication.
Our Services
How can we help you?
What is Biofeedback?
INDIGO is the most advanced quantum biofeedback device on the market and quite unique in that it integrates the most advanced discoveries in quantum physics with many traditional healing techniques, all in one session. Acupuncture, reflexology, homeopathy, aroma therapy, colour therapy and other traditional healing modalities are selected specifically to best respond to clients’ specific issues and needs and bring them the maximum benefits.
How it Works?
INDIGO is designed to find and correct energy imbalances occurring in humans and animals, in a natural, non-invasive way. During the session, clients comfortably lie down on a bed or reclining chair and are connected to a Biofeedback device via limb and head harnesses. The device measures over 11,000 physiological parameters of the body – EEG, ECG, hormone balance, adrenal/cortisol balance, imbalances of vitamin levels, amino acids, nutrients, minerals, enzymes, toxins, muscle tone, disease, bacteria, fungi, viruses, balance of internal organ, emotional and mental imbalances etc. and then makes energy corrections where the energy flow is disturbed. The positive effects of biofeedback treatments are documented to enhance overall health, learning and performance of the individual.
Quantum Biofeedback sessions have been shown to improve:
- Immune system function
- Blood circulation
- Digestive function
- Eliminates pain
- Reduce inflammations
- Normalizes blood pressure
- Improves mental clarity
- Lowers and regulates cholesterol levels
- Maintains healthy heart function
- Alleviates diabetes and stabilizes normal blood sugar levels
- Improves visual acuity
- Overall general physical well being
- Helps with recovery of patients suffering from cancer
- Assists the body with weight loss
In addition to all of the above, Biofeedback also contains and provides:
- All of the essential minerals
- All of the essential amino acids
- Vital vitamins
- Cleanses the entire body
- Detoxifies the entire body
Additional benefits of biofeedback sessions
In addition to balancing stress related health challenges, we can utilize device to relax, rejuvenate and recharge your cells, offering gentle, non-toxic, pain-free solution to looking younger and feeling great. The rejuvenation system facilitates your ability to release every day stress from within, thus harmonizing your mind, body and skin (using individual bio-signature patterns). The process gently rebalances the electronical patterns associated with aging and stress, helping you realize your innate radiant vitality. Clients experience a deep sense of relaxation, rejuvenation and bliss, while receiving other benefits of enhanced appearance.
Benefits of healthy aging and beautification programs:
- Improve facial, neck and muscle tone,
- Increase circulation and oxygenation
- Lift jowls and eyebrows,
- Rejuvenate the skin,
- Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles,
- Reduce puffiness,
- Increase blood circulation,
- Increase lymphatic drainage,
- Reduce cellulite,
- Increases the body’s natural collagen production,
- Increases natural elastin production,
- Tighten enlarged pores
- Curb craving
- Improve motivation to get fit
- Facilitate weight management
- Increase your self esteem
About Energy Healing Tesla Metamorphosis I, II and III
This energy healing modality utilizes energy waves from ether, know as Tesla waives, after the famous physicist and innovator Nikola Tesla who discovered those waives and was using them for healing.
What is Tesla Metamorphosis?
This energy healing modality utilizes energy waves from ether, know as Tesla waives, after the famous physicist and innovator Nikola Tesla who discovered those waives and was using them for healing.
How it works?
Similar to Reiki or Re-connective healing, this modality does not require use of any equipment. It relies on practitioner’s ability to summon and utilize very specific energy waves from ether.
Tesla Metamorphosis I
Attracts great interest among scientists because clients report healings from many diseases that are considered incurable, such as cancer, AIDS, lupus, spine injuries, even healings from birth deformities. Also, healings happen very quickly. Most of the time, three sessions are enough. Tesla healing modality proved to work well with kids and animals.
Tesla Metamorphosis II – Tesla Soul Communication
Tesla Soul Communication® is a healing method where the healer and the client journey together from communicating on the level of the conscious mind, to reaching the subconscious mind and transcending further to the level of the integrative mind.
The process of Tesla Soul Communication helps us in bringing issues from the subconscious to the conscious level, where we are able to deal with them and to transcend the problem. As Carl Gustav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst said: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” Tesla Soul Communication can also help us tremendously on our journey of discovering our mission and purpose in this lifetime.
Tesla Metamorphosis III
Is even more important than the healing. It is a process of “Light Body Metamorphosis” which purifies the soul and initiates consciousness evolution, and the evolution on all other levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
By performing very precise process person’s light body is brought in alignment with their 13th strain of DNA, with the center of the planet Earth and the center of the Galaxy, so once aligned, people are protected against adverse negative impact of possible changes in Earth’s magnetism.
Tesla Metamorphosis III is performed once in a lifetime, in a two-day process.
We offer Attractive payment options and discounts
You have the option to receive the benefits of our services in the comfort of your own home, even on weekends. Please contact us to arrange.*
My Life Force Testimonials
- All
- Misc
- Students
- Medical Proffesionals
Last year and eight months were health and mind challenging in every respect.
Many months of working from home with reduced outdoors activities, combined
with constant worry for one’s own wellbeing, for family and friends, humanity
and the world, surely but slowly brought about massive stress, followed by
insomnia. It reflected on my relations and work, converting the chronical
stress into anxiety. Finally, in September, I developed a kind of a
never-ending flu, accompanied by a serious sniffle and constant coughing.
The later would increase as soon as I would even try to talk. The weeks were
passing without any betterment. The academic year was approaching, and I
grow desperate. Obviously, you can’t really teach, especially not in a
classroom full of students (in Israel university lecturers were asked to
return to frontal teaching), if you cough a minute for every single
sentence you utter. A family member recommended Jasna Krunic and MyLifeForce.
I was already familiar with some of the concepts and terms, but was never
subjected to such a treatment, certainly not from far away. After the first
session the sniffle disappeared immediately, only to be followed by the
coughing few days later. I also received a thorough report which
reflected on my general health, problems with certain organs and functions etc. It
coincided greatly with the results of the conventional medicine tests I conducted in
Israel earlier, adding valuable information (lack of specific vitamins, minerals etc.).
I decided to opt for the entire series of five weekly treatments. After the second one
my insomnia disappeared, and that week I did some serious sleeping. After the subsequent
three treatments, I felt rejuvenated, refilled with life energy, much less stressed and
(even more importantly) much less inclined to stress about things. My habitual optimism
returned, together with focus and professional swiftness (research and education).
In short, it’s worth every penny.
(Rabbi) Dr. Eliezer Papo
University lecturer, Jerusalem, Israel
Working with Jasna and all her knowledge and skills she brings using bio feedback,
has proven to be a great support and relief for me. She approaches your health
issues with great integrity and passion for your well being, working in your
highest and best interest to find the path that will bring you back to health.
I have worked with Jasna both in person and long distance, using the quantum
healing technology with good results. Both have been beneficial and cleared up
many health concerns including pain, insomnia, and infections.
It’s a pleasure to work with her and I will continue to do so in the future.
Anon, BC Canada
As a dentist, I witnessed the elimination of a serious
gum infection in one of my patients, using only Biofeedback sessions.
From my professional experience, bacterial infections of such kind are
always treated with antibiotics. In this case, the same results were
achieved with no drugs, no side effects and it was very fast and efficient
– with only two Biofeedback sessions. I was very impressed and will be
recommending Biofeedback to my other patients.
Jasna is very knowledgeable, professional and trustworthy. Sessions with
her are relaxing, uplifting, and effective. Thank you Jasna for introducing
Biofeedback to me and for an amazing experience!
Dr. Dejan Antic,Dentist, Toronto
Jasna has helped me a lot with insomnia I suffered with
mainly caused by the side effect of clonazepam and mitrazapine which were prescribed
by my doctor. Jasna’s life-style coaching has also helped me to be more positive
while I dealt with my health problem. My good health is back now and I sleep much
better. Since the biofeedback sessions, I never went back to my doctor for any health
advice. I rely on effectiveness of the biofeedback and for a long-term health
concerns, I strongly recommend Jasna’s superior services with the Quantum
Benedicto Cachola, Toronto
I have been suffering from tingling and temporary numbness of my left
arm and fingers, following a mild stroke four years ago. I was led to
believe that this was a permanent side effect of stroke. And then, a
surprise – with only 2 biofeedback sessions all those symptoms were
completely gone and my left arm and fingers returned to a normal,
healthy state.At one time, I came to my regular biofeedback sessions
Dr. Dejan Antic,Dentist, Toronto
I have been trying to conceive for years and went
for In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment. It failed and my doctor was not
optimistic, giving me 10% probability to become pregnant. So, I decided to
use quantum biofeedback for fertility problems. Jasna truly helped me. I
have had only 7 sessions prior to going back for another IVF try. Even
though I was given 10% chance to conceive, this time IVF was successful.
Thanks to Jasna and quantum biofeedback I am now a happy mother of
a healthy baby boy.
Biljana Egelja, Eng., Toronto
Biofeedback helped me with perpetual
mouth ulcers, migraines, anxiety, as well in finding clarity
regarding my higher life’s purpose and direction. Through reading
my body’s stress responses, this intelligent machine not only was
accurate in detecting what was going on in my body, but I feel it
also connected to my mind and soul. After 5 sessions, I found myself
excited about life, less stressed, and I haven’t had a mouth ulcer
or migraine since. In addition, I thoroughly enjoyed my sessions
with Jasna, as she is a very understanding and insightful life’s
coach. I can honestly say I will continue these sessions as they
are improving the quality of my life without any negative side
Jennifer Bachelor,Nursing Student
Jasna’s energy is uplifting, positive, and very genuine.
I always looked forward to seeing her at our sessions because
of that. I felt a sense of inner calmness and relaxation after
each time. It only took a few biofeedback sessions for me to
begin seeing improvement in my skin and TMJ. I have tried many
different healing modalities to help address these issues and
biofeedback has definitely been the most effective. I am very
happy with the results and would recommend Jasna’s
professional service to anyone!
Vickie Chan, Hospital Tissues Coordinator, Toronto
I was a bit skeptical at first, but decided to try the biofeedback machine and
see what it was all about.Right from the start when I was hooked up to
the biofeedback machine and the preliminary test was done I knew from the results that this is the real
deal. The machine found issues which I knew intuitively existed. The accuracy was
phenomenal. Once Jasna started working on fixing those issues I felt an influx
of energy enter my body immediately. This process continued and the longer I
lay there hooked up to the machine, peace and calm permeated my body. I knew
I was in good hands at this point. Certain programs such as aura balancing
I felt immediately and I felt the energy align itself with my crown within
a minute of experiencing this program in my session. After the first session
I noticed the results immediately in my mental and emotional state and this
state became a permanent part of my existence.
Neven Paar,Architect, Toronto
It has been almost a year since Jasna performed Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis on me.
Since that time I have achieved the astonishing growth and progression in all areas of
my life. Some might call it good luck or hard work, but it is much more than that –
everything seems to come easily to me now, and I feel at peace. It almost seems too
good to be true.
I came to Jasna with issues about my direction of life’s work. I was unhappy in my job,
and worried about what would come of me. I struggled for over 12 years thinking of what
career I should pursue. This year I got accepted full time in a competitive program at York
University and absolutely love it. I am doing exactly what I am suppose to, what strongly
resonates with me and doors are opening for me everywhere I go. Furthermore, I had
the opportunity to travel around the Mediterranean this summer, bought a home, and
found that I am standing up for myself, which was not the case before Tesla Metamorphosis.
Amongst all, I am totally in the moment and just enjoying BEING NOW. Thank you, Jasna for
introducing Tesla Light Body Metamorphosis to me and permanently improving my life.
Jennifer Bachelor,
Nursing Student
I have been suffering from a mild insomnia for a number of years.
However in the last year my insomnia became quite severe and I was on sleeping pills most
of the last year. Within 4 sessions of biofeedback with Jasna, I started sleeping again.
After 6 sessions I slept for 2 consecutive weeks without sleeping pills.
Thank you Jasna: I can finally toss those pills away!
Mina Tasic, B.Sc. Pharm, Toronto
I struggled for years with breathing problems caused
by allergies. I went to see Jasna and with five biofeedback treatments I was
able to breathe like never before. My allergies were gone. Even my father
went to see her. That is how happy I was with my treatment. The atmosphere
is professional, welcoming and Jasna’s energy is uplifting and inspirational.
Her lifestyle coaching is amazing. I recommend Jasna’s work and the quantum
biofeedback to everyone.
Biljana Egelja, Eng., Toronto
When I first came to see Jasna, I was not doing well. I had a lot of problems
and doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Jasna doesn’t just
help you with a quick fix but she tries to find the cause of the
problems and with me she helped me a lot. Quantum biofeedback sessions
helped me especially with my muscle pains, anxiety, burning sensations
on my skin, stress, and even confidence. She also gives great life coaching
tips and I have learned so much from her. I feel so much better now than when
I first started, people even tell me that I am a completely different person.
So, I would recommend Jasna to anyone because she not only helped me
with my physical and emotional problems but I would consider her a
great coach and a friend.
Ryan Bartolomeo,Office Worker, Toronto
I had the misfortune of suffering a serious setback with health that left me
with a number of minor and major health issues (from skin afflictions to
digestive complications). My doctors were trying to treat the various
problems with an array of medications, but in a few cases the side
effects proved worse than the original affliction. I had nearly given
up hope of ever feeling healthy again when I found out about biofeedback.
After one “live” (in-person) session and a series of long-distance
(virtual) sessions, my minor health issues have been resolved and the
major ones are almost completely gone. Furthermore, the treatments
effectively manage any new problems that crop up, while life-style
coaching has taught me various new ways to improve and maintain my
physical and mental health. Jasna is not only a very knowledgeable and
dedicated professional, her welcoming demeanor and genuine interest in
the well-being of her clients are a refreshing change from the clinically
cold field of western medicine.
Tamara Mihailovic,IT Specialist, Washington DC, USA
My wife Laura's kidney stone size sometime in January 2017
was 2.8 cm after an MRI diagnosis. Weekly Indigo Biofeedback
treatments for reducing or deactivating the kidney stone size
started the week after the diagnosis. Laura's follow up MRI test
in early Dec 2017 showed a dramatic reduction in size from 2.8 cm
to 2.0 mm. This reduction in size was accomplished via distance
sessions with Indigo and not in person, which makes it more impressive.
We are looking forward to improvements in other areas of her
health with the biofeedback.
Tom Chan, on behalf of Laura Chan, office clerk, Toronto
Special Offering
Free of charge, lifestyle coaching, complements every session, as a bonus to our clientele.
's Happy Clients Please check some of the clients testimonials.
's of benefits from biofeedback sessions.
Years of experience Jasna Krunic is a passionate proponent for natural holistic health care. She fostered her expertise and wide breadth of knowledge through lifelong collaboration and studies.
Proffesional Associations memberships
In The Press

Psychology Today
…They drove three hundred miles to JacksoTeamn, Wyoming; for a week at the local hospital, Jake underwent two hour-long sessions a day on a computerized biofeedback program.Within just a few days, Jake’s condition had improved.

Science Daily
…In Germany, 1-2% of the population suffers from anal incontinence. The problem is often caused by weakness of the pelvic floor muscles. Targeted training, biofeedback, and electrical stimulation are used to restore coordination to the muscles responsible for continence…

BBC News
…“We are hoping that this biofeedback device will help to break the loop of fitful sleeping, and the psychological and physical problems which grinding can create”

Evidence-Based Dentistry
Objective To determine the efficacy of electromyographic (EMG) biofeedback-based treatments and to estimate the size of treatment effect. …Results Data from 12 studies contributed to a meta-analysis that compared the size of pre- and post-treatment effect for EMG biofeedback with the size of effect for control conditions.

…Today, biofeedback is used routinely in alternative medicine to alleviate problems such as headaches, chronically taut muscles resulting from accidents or sports injuries, asthma, high blood pressure, heart arrhythmias, disorders of the digestive system and epilepsy.

International Journal of Impotence Research
Cost implications of sexual dysfunction: the female picture …However, sex therapy and biofeedback are necessary for the patients to again have enjoyable and satisfactory intercourse…

New Zealand Herald
…The technique does not involve any surgery but instead uses a computer to teach patients by “biofeedback” to control their swallowing muscles through a different part of the brain. Dr Huckabee is one of a handful of experts in the field internationally…

The Saudi Gazette
…Dr. Faiza Ghazanfar is a certified biofeedback therapist (teaching patients to read the signs of their body – blood pressure and muscle tension, for example – rather than relying on a doctor’s prognosis) and a registered Defeat Autism Now! (DAN) adviser. Dr. Syed Naqvi is a consultant at the emergency department…

BJC (British Journal of Cancer)
Cancer cells were exposed to tumour-specific modulation frequencies, previously identified by biofeedback methods in patients with a diagnosis of cancer. Control modulation frequencies consisted of randomly chosen modulation frequencies within the same 100Hz–21kHz range as cancer-specific frequencies.

The American Journal of Gastroenterology
Biofeedback therapy has been shown to be effective for DD. Aim: We examined, whether, from a societal perspective, home biofeedback is cost-effective when compared to the standard office biofeedback therapy.

…Most women are able to manage headaches during pregnancy with nonpharmacological treatments, including biofeedback-assisted relaxation…In patients with milder headaches, biofeedback methods combined with the occasional use of over-the-counter analgesics (for example, acetaminophen) usually suffice and are safe to use during pregnancy.

British Dental journal
…supplemental therapy that teaches pain coping and biofeedback skills can reduce pain from a common jaw disorder, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center …

Modern Pathology
…Biofeedback is to one of the most effective forms of treatment for obstructed defecation7, 20 as also shown by controlled studies,55 and it is thought that it acts by a learned mechanism of relaxation of pelvic floor muscles…

…The newest devices (e.g. biofeedback equipment) are able to continuously non-invasively monitor changes in patients blood volume and pressure, to estimate an individual critical relative blood volume, dynamics of refilling, plasma conductivity, and ionic mass balance…

A new study conducted by Italian researchers, in collaboration with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, finds that biofeedback is more effective than two other treatments for a type of chronic rectal pain called levator ani syndrome.

Research on autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) shows that neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback) can remediate anomalies in brain activation, leading to symptom reduction and functional improvement. This evidence raises the hopes for a behavioral, psychophysiological intervention moderating the severity of ASD.

The New York Times
…Ms. Vergara, the school’s principal, said she saw her son become calmer, and he began doing his homework without being asked. She and Dr. Sabo brought neurofeedback, a computerized biofeedback system to Fermi, a public elementary school with 900 children.

Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Disease
…muscle relaxants such as diazepam coupled with prostatic massage and supportive therapy (perineal support, pelvic floor physiotherapy, biofeedback and relaxation therapy) has been reported to yield higher cure rate and relief of pain and voiding symptoms compared to antibiotics alone and is the treatment option favored by most urologists.

New Zealand Herald
…Its drug-free approach stems from the founding scientists’ belief that depression, anxiety and other psychiatric symptoms associated with eating disorders are the result of the starvation, rather than the other way around. Its founders, Dr Cecilia Bergh and Professor Per Sodersten, were in Auckland last week showing their Mandometer biofeedback treatment to health professionals.

The American Journal of Gastroenterology
Biofeedback therapy has been shown to be effective for DD. Aim: We examined, whether, from a societal perspective, home biofeedback is cost-effective when compared to the standard office biofeedback therapy.

…If patients are unable to generate a urethral sphincter muscle contraction, aides such as biofeedback can be helpful…Biofeedback involves the use of equipment to provide auditory or visual feedback to the patient concerning their pelvic floor muscle contractions, in order to enable patients to perform these exercises adequately…
Book an appointment.
Contact Us
155 Marlee Ave, York, ON M6B 4B5, Canada
+1 647-996-1400